5 Reasons Why Children with Special Needs Should Attend Special Schools, Not Regular Schools

2 min readJun 13, 2024


Portrait of a Special Needs Child Who Remains Happy (Source: Instagram @amaliyanaa)
Portrait of a Special Needs Child Who Remains Happy (Source: Instagram @amaliyanaa)

Dealing with parents who insist on enrolling their children with special needs (CSN) in regular schools, despite these children requiring special services, presents a challenge that demands a sensitive and informative approach.

It’s crucial to convey this with empathy so that parents can reconsider their decision.

Dwi Giarti Safarini, a teacher and advocate for CSN, explains several risks and challenges if parents force CSN to attend regular schools.

Here are five reasons CSN should attend specialized schools rather than regular ones, as cited from her Instagram @dwi_safagia on June 14, 2024.

1. Every Child Has Different Needs

Every child is unique, and CSNs often require special attention that might not be available in regular schools.

Even if available, a special assistant teacher (SAT) is often required, and they are not always present in regular schools.

2. Safer Environment in Special Schools

Special schools offer a safer environment and personalized teaching approaches.

Programs in these schools are designed to help children develop their academic and social skills most effectively.

3. Risks in Regular Schools

CSNs may face risks and challenges in regular schools, including inadequate support and the risk of bullying.

An unsupportive environment can make children feel alienated and stressed, ultimately hindering their development.

4. Cooperation with Parents

It is essential to have cooperation between the school and parents for the best interests of their children.

Decisions should be based on assessments and parents’ expectations, considering the child’s needs.

5. Professional Recommendations

Parents should seek evaluations from professionals such as psychologists, therapists, or doctors.

These evaluations provide an objective view of the child’s needs and can be a discussion point that shows concrete evidence of their special needs.

By understanding and considering these points, it is hoped that parents can make wiser decisions regarding the education of their CSN.

Enrolling a child in a special school does not mean limiting them but allowing them to thrive in a more supportive environment.***




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